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Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation procedure. It’s really quite simple, and is often described to be like shaving any other part of the body. Instead of using a regular razor that you would use to shave your legs, dermaplaning requires the use of a medical grade scalpel that is used to gently remove both dead skin cells and unwanted hair from your face.

It may sound a bit scary, but there is nothing to fear with dermaplaning so long as you have an experienced aesthetician that is performing the procedure.

The dedicated aestheticians at Women’s Pavilion of South MS are proud to provide Dermaplaning services to patients throughout the Columbia, Ellisville, and Hattiesburg area.  Call (601) 268-9393 to schedule an appointment!


Dermaplaning is an excellent choice for anyone looking to remove old layers of skin from their face. However, it is typically not advised for those with acne-prone skin or deep, cystic acne since it can be difficult for the aesthetician to navigate around an uneven surface with their scalpel.

Dermaplaning is also an excellent option for those looking to forego any sort of chemical treatment on their skin. Women who are pregnant or nursing often find dermaplaning to be an excellent alternative to chemical facial treatments, since some of these chemicals can be absorbed by the body and transferred to the child. Others simply do not like the thought of putting such strong chemical on their skin, and so they opt for dermaplaning out of personal preference.

Women’s Pavilion of South MS is a group of dedicated physicians and nurse practitioners committed to providing you with the highest level of quality care as well as focusing on your individual needs and concerns.
Ellisville Office
1242 Highway 29 North
Ellisville, MS 39437
Phone: (601) 268-9393
Hours: Mon-Thru 7:40-5pm
Friday 7:40-1pm
Hattiesburg Office
5003 Hardy St Ste 350
Hattiesburg, MS 39402
Phone: (601) 268-9393
Hours: Mon-Thru 7:40-5pm
Friday 7:40-1pm
Hattiesburg Office
6524 US Hwy 98 West
Hattiesburg, MS 39402
Phone: (601) 268-9393
Hours: Mon-Thru 7:40-5pm
Friday 7:40-1pm
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