I feel privileged to practice obstetrics and gynecology because of the uniqueness of the specialty. Not only do I have the opportunity to build a long term relationship through a patient’s pregnancy and childbirth, but I also have the chance to extend that relationship into assisting patients through other individualized situations, such as midlife health issues, pelvic and reconstructive surgeries, and the challenges of female cancers. No other specialty in medicine provides this type of patient/doctor relationship.
Louisiana State University School of Medicine
Shreveport, LA
University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, MS
Obstetrics and Gynecology
1. Washburne J, Bocchini J, Jamison R. Summertime respiratory syncytial virus infection: Epidemiology and clinical manifestations. South Med J 1992;85:579-83.
2. Chauhan SP, Washburne JF, Martin JN Jr, Roberts WE, Roach H, Morrison JC. Intrapartum assessment of birth weight among twins by house staff. Obstet Gynecol 1993;82:523-6.
3. Chauhan SP, Meydrech EF, Washburne JF, Hudson JL, Martin RW, Morrison JC. Clinical estimate of birth-weight in labor: Factors influencing its accuracy. Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 1993;33:371-3.
4. Naef RW III, Morrison JC, Washburne JF, McLaughlin BN, Perry KG Jr, Roberts WE. Assessment of fetal well-being using the nonstress test in the home setting. Obstet Gynecol 1994;84:424-6.
5. Meeks GR, Washburne JF, McGehee RP, Wiser WL. Repair of vaginal vault prolapse by suspension of the vagina to iliococcygeus (prespinous) fascia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1994;171:1050-60.
6. Roberts WE, Perry KG Jr, Naef RW III, Washburne JF, Morrison JC. The irritable uterus: A risk factor for preterm birth? Am J Obstet Gynecol 1995;172:138-42.
7. Naef RW III, Washburne JF, Martin RW, Magann EF, Scanlon PH, Morrison JC. Hemorrhage associated with cesarean delivery: When is transfusion needed? J Perinatol 1995;15:32-5.
8. Chauhan SP, Magann EF, Perry KG Jr, Naef RW III, Washburne JF, Morrison JC. Change in amniotic fluid index after amniotomy during first stage of labor. J Miss State Med Assoc 1995;March:61-3.
9. Chauhan SP, Cowan BD, Brost BD, Washburne JF, Magann EF, Morrison JC. Estimate of birth weight among twins: Comparison of eight sonographic models. J Reprod Med 1996; 41:403-408.
10. Magann EF, Washburne JF, Sullivan CA, Schorr SJ, Morrison JC, Martin JN Jr. Corticosteroid-induced arrest of HELLP syndrome progression in a marginally-viable pregnancy. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1995;59 (2): 217-219.
11. Washburne JF, Magann EF, Chauhan SP, Naef RW III, Perry KG Jr, Morrison JC. Massive congenital intracranial teratoma with skull rupture at delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1995;173 (1): 226-228.
12. Chauhan SP, Washburne JF, Roberts WE, Magann EF, Morrison JC, Martin JN Jr. Estimates of birth weight among twins using femur length alone. J Matern Fetal Invest 1995;5:113-116.
13. Chauhan SP, Washburne JF, Magann EF, Perry KG Jr, Martin JN Jr, Morrison JC. A randomized study to assess the efficacy of amniotic fluid index as a fetal admission test. Obstet Gynecol 1995;86:78-83.
14. Washburne JF, Chauhan SP, Magann EF, Moore JL Jr, Morrison JC. Amnioinfusion-induced malpresentation. Journal MS State Med Association, 1998; July:240-241.
15. Washburne JF, Chauhan SP, Magann EF, Rhodes PG, Naef RW III, Morrison JC. Newborn electrolyte response to amnioinfusion with Lactated Ringer’s versus normal saline: A prospective study. J Reprod Med 1996; 41: 741-744.
16. Magann EF, Washburne JF, Harris RL, Bass JD, Duff WP, Morrison JC. Infectious morbidity, operative blood loss, and length of operative procedure following cesarean delivery by method of placental removal and site of uterine repair. J Am Coll Surg 1995;181(6): 517-520.
17. Meeks GR, Wiser WL, McGehee RP, Washburne JF. How we do iliococcygeus suspension. J Pelvic Surg 1998;4:33-8
18. Washburne JF, McGeehee, RP, Wiser WL, Meeks GR. Non-bartholin’s gland vulvar abscesses in non-diabetic patients, diabetic patients, and diabetic patients irrigated with neomycin. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (submitted).
Book Chapters
1. Washburne JF, Morrison JC. Home uterine activity monitoring: A comprehensive system for preterm birth prevention. In DiRenzo GC (ed), New Aspects of Perinatal Medicine. Boston: Little, Brown (in press).